Our team applies its wide ranging in experience to determining.
If your content is unstructured, you may spend excessive time on creation and management. Structured content is the key to transforming your information into valuable intellectual property.
Adopting a structured content-based information system enables collaborative authoring, promotes content reuse, and automates the publishing process. This not only optimizes information management but also enhances productivity, making your content work efficiently for you.
Ensure content consistency, enhanced management, and redundancy elimination. Adopt a '’write once, use everywhere’' approach for streamlined and efficient content utilization.
Metapercept is one of the industry leaders in offering structured authoring services for both IT and non-IT industries. In India, the entity is recognized as an end-to-end DITA-XML, DocBook, and S1000D-based structured authoring service provider. Structured authoring makes the technical documentation process more manageable and uses agile methodologies to deliver technical documents for quick release cycles.
With the implementation of structured authoring in your tech pub, your organization can leverage information consistency, content reuse, and easy content management.
Unstructured to structured content migration
Content cleanup and metadata application
Content labeling and keyword application
Develop taxonomies and terminologies
Customization and extension